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Looking Forward to iOS 18: Features I Want and What’s Known.

iOS 18 Updates Features & Functions

Even while I still like Android, I can’t deny that iOS has come a long way in recent years. For those of us who are familiar with Google’s operating system, some of its significant updates—such as the broad adoption of widgets—might not be revolutionary. Still, Apple’s OS surely exhibits a level of polish and refinement not usually found in every Android skin. iOS 17, which was released towards the end of the previous year, brought with it several improvements, such as new contact posters and streamlined contact sharing. Even though it was a significant update, I hope to see even more significant changes in 2024. Let’s examine my wishlist for iOS 18 and what the most recent rumors have led us to believe thus far.

iOS 18: Functionalities we hope to see.

Apple has put a lot of emphasis on customization in the most recent releases, but I’d like to see it go even further. Although I would like to see sideloading become legal in the US, we must also be practical in this regard. That won’t take place unless Apple is compelled to. I mostly want to see an upgrade of the AI and a few better settings. Now let’s get started.

Enhanced utilization of lock screen shortcuts.

Image Credit: Apple

I find it ridiculous that there are up to five distinct ways to access the camera straight from the lock screen, depending on your iPhone model. I would like a customized launch function over the existing left-swipe technique of opening the camera. Maybe you want to be able to rapidly use a certain app directly from the lock screen, or maybe you want to allow your child to swiftly launch their favorite game—likely Minecraft—while limiting their access to other features. It’s possible that the left swipe method will still be available for individuals who like it.
How probable is this feature? It’s challenging to forecast. To their credit, Apple has improved personalization options for the lock screen with new updates, including the ability to alter typefaces and add widgets and unique wallpapers. Although I don’t think Apple is currently considering this particular feature, it wouldn’t be totally out of character for the business, so one may hope.

Placement of icons on the home screen is customizable.

Image Credit: iDownloadBlog

Alright, so this idea may seem a bit ambitious. Since its launch, Android has allowed users to create their own home screen layouts, while Apple has been far more guarded about its home screen design. While it is now able to install widgets, among many other typical adjustments on my Android devices, I cannot now rearrange icons, reduce the number of icons per page, or organize them into fresh grouped pages.
It’s about time Apple gave us more customization options for the home screen. Though past performance suggests otherwise, Apple has made a number of surprising announcements recently, one of which being a major embrace of widgets. Furthermore, iOS 18 is reportedly one of the biggest improvements in years, according to speculations.So perhaps, the idea of enhanced home screen customization in iOS is not as far-fetched as it initially appears?

Siri needs to be updated or changed.

iOS 18 Siri Update
Image Credit: Apple

Even before the AI craze, Siri was probably lagging behind the competition in terms of natural replies and functionality. We’ve seen quick changes in AI since ChatGPT first appeared in late 2022. Google recently introduced Gemini, a rival to Google Assistant, which elevated mobile AI to unprecedented levels. It’s obvious that Siri’s current version is no longer adequate.
The good news is that a lot of rumors indicate Apple will prioritize artificial intelligence. There are suspicions that Apple will use Google’s Gemini for its upcoming phone lineup, but there are also murmurs that the corporation is working on its own version of ChatGPT, which is now known as AppleGPT.In addition, there are rumors that Apple will unveil the first glimpse of iOS 18 at WWDC 2024, along with an enhanced Siri.

While improving Siri is a terrific place to start, we also hope to see significant AI use in iOS 18. A collection of gimmicks is what we do not desire. Since Apple often adopts a more cautious stance when it comes to new technologies, I believe the camera app would be the most sensible place for AI to go beyond Siri.

AI features for cameras would be good.

iOS 18Camera AI Features
Image Credit: 9to5Mac

Some of the AI features being added to Android phones don’t really convince me. Not because they’re awful per se; rather, a lot of them appear superfluous or a little gimmicky. The camera, on the other hand, is a noteworthy exception, where the use of AI feels both advantageous and natural.

With the help of robust, intuitive tools that Google and Samsung have released, users can now easily exclude background objects or people from images. Similarly, Audio Magic Eraser is another truly helpful AI tool that works to remove annoying background noises from films. Furthermore, recent phones like the Pixel 8 and Galaxy S24 have substantially improved the automatic quality of images by utilizing AI expertise behind the scenes.

Anticipated release date of iOS 18.

iOS 18 Release Date
Image Credit: MacRoumer

Every year, around the time of the next iPhone model’s debut in mid-September, Apple normally publishes its main operating system updates. There is no reason to believe that in 2024 this pattern will alter.

Even though iOS 18 isn’t anticipated to release until later this year, you can already see a preview of what’s in store. New iOS versions are nearly typically unveiled by Apple during WWDC, which takes place in early June.

Is a beta version of iOS 18 planned?

There will be an iOS 18 beta, barring a significant shift in Apple’s business plan. Not too long after WWDC, Apple normally makes its early versions available only to developers. Public betas typically follow shortly after.

iOS 18 rumored features.

As previously stated, it’s likely that iOS 18 won’t be formally announced until WWDC 2024, which is expected to be this summer. Though it’s still extremely early, there have been some whispers about iOS 18. Some of these reports—like Apple’s intention to develop its own GPT chatbot and a big Siri update this year—have already been covered by us, but there are more circulating rumors.
Mark Gurman of Bloomberg claims that Apple considers this to be a significant update internally. As a matter of fact, the iPhone 16 will prioritize new software features above technological advancements. “Apple is banking on the software to sell people on the new models,” as Mark stated. However, it’s unclear exactly what features we can anticipate.

Further speculation suggests that we may anticipate features like generative text, generative images, and live translation, which would be consistent with some of the advancements we are witnessing in the Android environment. Though the business frequently strives to diversify its services rather than directly follow current trends, these features might have a distinctive Apple twist.




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